To gain access to the Member’s Reports you need to subscribe and become a Member. This will allow you to access the detailed Member’s Reports and the Member’s Community Forum.
Member’s Report categories are:
1. Offshore Reports (providing detailed covering Southern California and Northern Baja offshore tuna and kelp paddie fishing);
2. Coronado Islands and Mexican Coast Reports;
3. San Diego County Coastal and Other Islands Reports (providing detailed year round coverage of the coastal fishing and covering the fishing at Catalina and San Clemente Islands during the winter and spring white seabass and yellowtail bites); and
4. Marlin Reports
You can gain access to these reports and the Community Forum by becoming a Member. It is easy to subscribe and get immediate access to the Member’s part of the web site. Please click here to subscribe and become a Member. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Bob Vanian at You can also feel free to call at (619) 226-8218.